sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2011

Care sunt tendintele toamna –iarna 2011 in manichiura

** Atentie doamnelor ! Care sunt tendintele toamna –iarna 2011 in manichiura

1.Intampina sezonul rece cu informatii proaspete in materie de frumusete si descopera care sunt tendintele toamna –iarna 2011 in manichiura. Specialistii Nail Art de la Funky and Salon ne-au raspuns la cateva intrebari legate de, tendinte, cromatica, forma si lungime. Este in voga Manichiura SPA iar cromatica nuantelor propune tonuri reci de fructe rosii, albastru neon si reflexe metalice de auriu si argintiu. Se poarta manichiura Moon iar lungimea unghiei nu trebuie sa depaseasca varful degetelor. Stabileste-ti forma unghiei dupa lanula acesteia si afla ce trend-uri propun specialistii. (vezi ofertele Funky and Salon offers on Facebook si Web)

2 Ce culori se poarta toamna aceasta?
Trendurile de sezon aduc in prim plan nuante de fructe rosii, albastrul marin, tonurile de pruna, indigoul, negrul intens, griul, verde jad, ciocolatiu, culorile naturale si combinatiile dintre acestea . Persoanele nonconformiste pot contrasta pe nuantele calde de lac, cu picturi sau degradeuri de ton pe unghie. Daca esti adepta tonurilor calde, incearca nuante aurii si roz pastel. Pentru ca alegerea culorii ojei din seara Craciunului, sa nu va dea batai de cap, specialistii Funky and Salon va recomanda cateva nuante speciale cu accente metalice de argintiu, auriu-bej, turcoaz si rosu Ferarri. Puteti deasemenea sa incercati cateva modele exotice in culori de galben, mov, roz, portocaliu, verde aplicate doar daca baza primei oje este in nuante nude.
Pentru seara dintre ani va recomandam culori stralucitoare, cu efect de sclipici , nuante de auriu, fucsia, alb sidef si beige caramel. Alegeti culoarea ojei dupa vestimentatia pe care o adoptati. Astfel rochiile de seara se asorteaza cu nuante puternice de violet, rosu vinetiu si maro intens. Daca sunteti o persoana extravaganta a carei tinute are influente punk puteti incerca manichiura half moon intr-o nuanta de negru lucios profund sau modele de unghii pictate intr-o culoare tare ca portocaliu-mandarina. V-ati pregatit o costumatie din piele atunci incercati modele de unghii animal print. Culorile profunde , tari, sunt elegante si glamouros, pe cand cele aprinse sunt rebele si punk. Pentru ca unghiile sa fie mereu stralucitoare, aplicati zilnic un strat de lac protector (top coat). Este important să ne amintim -ca unghiile mai scurte sunt mai chic. Pentru o manichiura de invidiat si un efect spectaculos va recomandam si aplicatii de strasuri, flori naturale si margelute.
3. Ce lungime si forma propun specialistii?
Tendintele sezonului friguros propun unghii usor rotunjite cu forma aproape ovala si de lungime medie. La picioare, unghiile sunt patrate (foarte patrate). Desi nu dam importanta, forma unghiei ne este data de forma cuticulei “ lanula “ cum i se spune stiintific, vizibila la radacina unghiei, iar alegerea corecta ne pune in valoare intreaga mana. Exista patru tipuri principale de forma a unghiilor: rotunde, oval-alungite (ascutite), oval-patrate si patrate. In functie de anatomia degetelor, lungimea si grosimea acestora se alege forma potrivita. Astfel mainile osoase arata perfect cu unghii patrate, pe cand degetele scurte par mai lungi cu unghii semiovale. Alege forma migdalei daca ai mainile micute insa lungimea sa nu depaseasca foarte mult varful degetelor. Lungimea unghiei este extrem de importanta: nu trebuie sa fie foarte scurta, nici foarte lunga, dar perfect neteda.
Ne bucuram sa va avem printre noi , sa cunoastem nevoile si asteptarile dumneavoastra , motiv pentru care, asteptam cu interes, intrebarile , sugestiile si propunerile dvs pe pagina noastra de Facebook: Funky and Salon, unde va intampinam cu multe alte surprize si informatii din domeniul Beauty.

Be ready for the cold season with fresh information about beauty and discover the fall-winter 2011 trends in manicure. Nail Art specialists with Funky and Salon have answered a few questions about trends, chromatics, shape and length. The SPA Manicure is very popular and the trendiest colors are cold shades of red fruit, neon blue and metallic reflexes of gold and silver. Moon manicure is also in fashion and the length of the nails must not go beyond the tip of the fingers. Decide on a shape for nails based on their lunula and find out what trends specialists propose (see Funky and Salon offers on Facebook and the web).

2 What colors are trendy this fall?
Season trends bring in the spotlight many shades of red fruit, navy blue, plum tones, indigo, intense black, grey, jade green, chocolate, natural colors and their combinations. Non-conformist people can have warm polish shades in contrast with paintings on their nails. If you’re a fan of warm colors, try light blue and pink shades. So that choosing the color of nail polish on Christmas evening is not a tiresome operation, Funky and Salon specialists recommend a few special shades with metallic tones of silver, gold-beige, turquoise and Ferrari red. You could also try some exotic models in yellow, mauve, pink, orange, green, applied only if the first polish layer is in nude shades.
For the New Year’s, we recommend bright colors, shades of gold, fuchsia, pearly white and caramel beige. Choose the varnish color based on the clothes you will be wearing. Evening gowns match with strong violet, dark red and intense brown. If you’re an extravagant person who wears outfits of punk influence, you can try the half moon manicure, with deep shiny black or models of painted nails in strong colors, such as orange-tangerine. If you wear leather, try the animal print nail model. Strong, deep colors are elegant and glamorous while loud ones are rebel and punk. So that your nails are always shiny, apply a layer of top coat every day. It’s important to keep in mind that shorter nails are more chic. For a manicure that other ladies will envy and for a spectacular effect, we recommend natural flowers, small beads to be also applied.
3 What length and shape specialists suggest?
Cold season tendencies propose slightly round nails, with an almost oval shape, and of medium length. Toenails should be kept square (in a very square shape). Although we don’t pay it much attention, the shape of the nail is given by that lunula, the crescent seen at the base of the nail, and a correct choice emphasizes our entire hand. There are four major nail shapes: round, oval-oblong (pointy), oval-square and square. Based on the fingers’ anatomy, length and thickness, you can choose the appropriate shape. Thus, bony hands look perfect with square nails, while short fingers seem longer if they have semi-oval nails. Go for an almond shape if you have small hands but the length should not exceed the tip of the toes a lot. The length of the nail is extremely important: it mustn’t be too long or too short, but perfectly flat. Current tends require nails that are only a few millimeters long.
We are happy to have you with us, to get to know your needs and expectations, and this is why we welcome any questions or suggestions you might have, on our Facebook page: Funky and Salon, where we wait for you with many other surprises and information about beauty.**

**Articol extras -Sursa: BucharestHerald.ro

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