For Valentines’s Day, Funky and Salon rewards you with a shiny beauty package!

Greet the week of love with a relaxation and pampering session only at Funky and Salon. For Valentine’s Day, Funky and Salon rewards you with a shiny beauty package! Manicure + Pedicure + Shiny nail polish Opi, Zoya, Dior!
Another year has gone by and we are again celebrating February 14, Valentine’s Day, the day of love declarations and everything love is about.
Under the concept Beauty Inside-Out, Funky and Salon comes to the aid of its customers with beauty, relaxation and pampering therapies that work on the soul to reflect on your look. You will surely want to display a confident, glamorous attitude and a wonderful fashion style for Valentine’s Day. So answer the question of the Fubnky and Salon and Bucharest Herald contest and you will shine on Valentine’s Day, by benefitting from the pampering of a Shiny Beauty package, Manicure + Pedicure + Shiny nail polish Opi Zoya Dior.
Funky and Salon, Beauty Workshop, offers a wide range of professional services such as: Hairdressing, Styling, Barber-Shop, Manicure, Pedicure and Spa elements, Scrub and Exfoliation, Fake nails, Cosmetics and Facial treatments, Massage and Make-up. Register on the blog and access our Facebook page, FunkyandSalon, to find out new information about Health and Beauty and be up to speed with our events.
What do Romanians call the day of lovers?
1. Dragobete
2. Valentine s Day
3. Dragaica
2. Valentine s Day
3. Dragaica
You are funky, I am funky, funky is the state of mind you have when you just feel good without a reason, funky is your hairdo this morning when you look super cool, funky is a movement, an attitude, an urge, a complex of positive energy, a fresh and natural look.
The name of last week’s contest is Diana Streza, from Bucharest.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOutOffice: D-na Ghica 131
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
De Valentines’s Day, Funky and Salon te premiaza cu un pachet shiny beauty !
Intampina saptamana iubirii cu o sedinta de relaxare si rasfat doar la Funky and Salon.De Valentines’s Day, Funky and Salon te premiaza cu un pachet shiny beauty ! Manichiura + Pedichiura + Oja stralucitoare Opi, Zoya , Dior !
A mai trecut 1 an si sarbatorim iar 14 februarie, Valentine’s day, ziua declaratiilor de dragoste si a tot ce inseamna iubire.
Sub conceptul Beauty Inside-Out, Funky and Salon vine in sprijinul clientilor sai cu terapii de infrumusetare , relaxare si rasfat care se manifesta din interiorul sufletului catre exteriorul trupului. Cu siguranta vrei sa afisezi o atitudine increzatoare , glamourous si fashion style de Valentine s day. Asadar raspunde la intrebarea concursului Funky and Salon si Bucharest Herald si vei straluci de ziua indragostitilor rasfatandu-te cu un pachet Shiny Beauty , Manichiura + Pedichiura + Oja Stralucitoare Opi Zoya Dior.
Funky and Salon, Atelier de Infrumusetare ofera o gama variata de servicii profesionale precum: Coafura, Styling, Barber-Shop, Manichiura, Pedichiura si elemente Spa, Scrub si Exfolierea celulelor moarte, Unghii false, Cosmetica si Tratamente faciale, Masaj si Make-up. Inscrieti-va pe blogul si accesati pagina noastra de facebook FunkyandSalon pentru a descoperi informatii noi despre Health and Beauty si a fi la curent cu toate ofertele si evenimentele noastre.
Cum se numeste ziua indragostitilor la Romani?
1 . Dragobete
2. Valentine s Day
3. Dragaica
Funky esti tu, funky sunt si eu; funky este starea de spirit pe care o ai atunci cand pur si simplu te simti bine fara motiv; funky este freza ta in dimineata asta cand parca iti sta super bine; funky este o miscare, o atitudine, un indemn, un complex de energie pozitiva, un look fresh si natural.
Numele castigatoarei de saptamana trecuta este Diana Streza, din Bucuresti.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOutOffice:
D-na Ghica 131
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
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