FunkyandSalon and Bucharest Herald contest! Why do you want a change?

Have you ever wondered what are the real reasons why we do our hair, put on make up and try to put on the most beautiful clothes in order to look our best? The answer is a profound one, both psychological and spiritual.
“Trying to create a pleasant, beautiful look on the outside, without giving any attention to your inner universe is like trying to build as house on a shaky foundation,” says Jay Jay Nicola, FunkyandSalon manager.
Nicola says that if we do not become fully aware of our inner states and feelings, we will resort to superficial solutions that only give us short-term content and happiness.
If we feel we want a change for instance, and immediately come up with the idea of going to the salon to have our hair dyed, or to have a haircut, if we stopped to wonder “Why do we need to make a change?” we could acknowledge the fact that lately, we have not given attention to ourselves, to our hearts, which led to the creation of a mechanism that makes us not feel good with ourselves anymore.
This simple acknowledgment may fill that void by the mere fact that we realize what we actually want. “I don’t want to have my hair dyed because I feel the need for change, I actually want more attention, which I will get from others if I change my hair color, an attention that I should actually get from myself first of all.”
Only when it is clear why we want what we want is it recommended to actually go and change our hair color, if we still want to do it, because satisfaction will automatically appear in our hearts and will stay there on the long term.
To take part in this week’s contest, you must give an answer to the question, “What do I actually want to get out of a manicure/pedicure?”
You can send the answers to or .
The winners, selected by a draw at the end of every week, will be announced on the website.
The name of last week’s contest is Sanda Cristina, from Bucharest.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOut
Office: 131 D-na Ghica
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
Concurs FunkyandSalon si Bucharest Herald ! Pentru ce-mi doresc schimbarea ?
V-ati intrebat vreodata care sunt de fapt adevaratele motive pentru care ne aranjam parul, sau de ce ne machiem, sau de ce ne straduim sa ne imbracam cu cele mai frumoase haine astfel incat sa aratam grozav? Raspunsul este unul profund, psihologic si spiritual in acelasi timp.
“A incerca sa creezi un aspect placut si frumos doar la exterior fara sa acorzi catusi de putina atentie si universului tau interior, este ca si cum ai incerca sa construiesti o casa pe o fundatie subreda” - spune Jay Jay Nicola, manager FunkyandSalon.
Acesta spune ca daca nu ne constientizam starile interioare cu adevarat, vom adopta solutii superficiale, ce ne ofera rezolvare si multumire pe termen limitat.
Daca simtim ca vrem o schimbare, spre exemplu, si imediat ne vine in minte ideea de a ne duce la salon sa ne vopsim, sau sa ne schimbam tunsoarea, daca inainte de asta am face un pic de introspectie si ne-am intreba “De ce simt nevoia de o schimbare?” , am putea ajunge la constientizarea faptului ca in ultima vreme nu ne-am mai acordat atentie propriei persoane, propiului nostru suflet , lucru ce a declansat in noi un mecanism prin care incepem si nu ne mai simtim bine in propria piele.
Aceasta simpla constientizare ar putea umple acel gol, automat prin simplul fapt ca ne-am dat seama ce vrem noi de fapt. “Eu nu vreau sa ma vopsesc pentru ca simt nevoia de o schimbare, ci vreau mai multa atentie pe care o voi primi de la altii daca imi schimb culoarea parului; atentie care de fapt ar trebui sa caut sa o obtin de la mine insumi inainte de toate”.
Abia in momentul in care ne este clar de ce vrem ceea ce vrem, abia atunci este recomandat sa ne ducem sa ne si schimbam culoarea parului daca vom mai vrea in continuare sa o facem, pentru ca multumirea si satisfactia vor veni automat de la sine si vor fi acolo pentru o lunga perioada de timp.
Pentru a participa la concursul din aceasta saptamana trebuie sa-ti raspunzi tie insuti inainte de toate, la intrebarea : “Ce vreau eu de fapt sa obtin de la o manichiura/pedichiura?”
Raspunsurile le puteti trimite la adresele : sau office
Premiile vor fi anuntate pe site si se vor acorda prin tragere la sorti, la sfarsitul fiecarei saptamani.
Numele castigatoarei de saptamana trecuta este Sanda Cristina, din Bucuresti.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOut
Office : D-na Ghica 131
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
“Trying to create a pleasant, beautiful look on the outside, without giving any attention to your inner universe is like trying to build as house on a shaky foundation,” says Jay Jay Nicola, FunkyandSalon manager.
Nicola says that if we do not become fully aware of our inner states and feelings, we will resort to superficial solutions that only give us short-term content and happiness.
If we feel we want a change for instance, and immediately come up with the idea of going to the salon to have our hair dyed, or to have a haircut, if we stopped to wonder “Why do we need to make a change?” we could acknowledge the fact that lately, we have not given attention to ourselves, to our hearts, which led to the creation of a mechanism that makes us not feel good with ourselves anymore.
This simple acknowledgment may fill that void by the mere fact that we realize what we actually want. “I don’t want to have my hair dyed because I feel the need for change, I actually want more attention, which I will get from others if I change my hair color, an attention that I should actually get from myself first of all.”
Only when it is clear why we want what we want is it recommended to actually go and change our hair color, if we still want to do it, because satisfaction will automatically appear in our hearts and will stay there on the long term.
To take part in this week’s contest, you must give an answer to the question, “What do I actually want to get out of a manicure/pedicure?”
You can send the answers to or .
The winners, selected by a draw at the end of every week, will be announced on the website.
The name of last week’s contest is Sanda Cristina, from Bucharest.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOut
Office: 131 D-na Ghica
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
Concurs FunkyandSalon si Bucharest Herald ! Pentru ce-mi doresc schimbarea ?
V-ati intrebat vreodata care sunt de fapt adevaratele motive pentru care ne aranjam parul, sau de ce ne machiem, sau de ce ne straduim sa ne imbracam cu cele mai frumoase haine astfel incat sa aratam grozav? Raspunsul este unul profund, psihologic si spiritual in acelasi timp.
“A incerca sa creezi un aspect placut si frumos doar la exterior fara sa acorzi catusi de putina atentie si universului tau interior, este ca si cum ai incerca sa construiesti o casa pe o fundatie subreda” - spune Jay Jay Nicola, manager FunkyandSalon.
Acesta spune ca daca nu ne constientizam starile interioare cu adevarat, vom adopta solutii superficiale, ce ne ofera rezolvare si multumire pe termen limitat.
Daca simtim ca vrem o schimbare, spre exemplu, si imediat ne vine in minte ideea de a ne duce la salon sa ne vopsim, sau sa ne schimbam tunsoarea, daca inainte de asta am face un pic de introspectie si ne-am intreba “De ce simt nevoia de o schimbare?” , am putea ajunge la constientizarea faptului ca in ultima vreme nu ne-am mai acordat atentie propriei persoane, propiului nostru suflet , lucru ce a declansat in noi un mecanism prin care incepem si nu ne mai simtim bine in propria piele.
Aceasta simpla constientizare ar putea umple acel gol, automat prin simplul fapt ca ne-am dat seama ce vrem noi de fapt. “Eu nu vreau sa ma vopsesc pentru ca simt nevoia de o schimbare, ci vreau mai multa atentie pe care o voi primi de la altii daca imi schimb culoarea parului; atentie care de fapt ar trebui sa caut sa o obtin de la mine insumi inainte de toate”.
Abia in momentul in care ne este clar de ce vrem ceea ce vrem, abia atunci este recomandat sa ne ducem sa ne si schimbam culoarea parului daca vom mai vrea in continuare sa o facem, pentru ca multumirea si satisfactia vor veni automat de la sine si vor fi acolo pentru o lunga perioada de timp.
Pentru a participa la concursul din aceasta saptamana trebuie sa-ti raspunzi tie insuti inainte de toate, la intrebarea : “Ce vreau eu de fapt sa obtin de la o manichiura/pedichiura?”
Raspunsurile le puteti trimite la adresele : sau office
Premiile vor fi anuntate pe site si se vor acorda prin tragere la sorti, la sfarsitul fiecarei saptamani.
Numele castigatoarei de saptamana trecuta este Sanda Cristina, din Bucuresti.
Funky and Salon – Beauty InsideOut
Office : D-na Ghica 131
Bucharest Romania
Mob: 0726.091.591
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